What is a Choking Hazard? A Safety Guide for Parents
This article explains what a "Choking Hazard" warning means and provides helpful information for parents on how to select safe toys for their children and how to handle a choking event.
Safe Sleep: A Guide For Parents And Caregivers
*Is my baby safe in his or her crib?* All parents remember the stress of waking up and continually checking on the safety of their new child. As a trial lawyer who helps families whose children are injured by dangerous or defective products, I have investigated crib and infant sleep safety issues. Here’s what I've learned.
Negligent Security: A Guide for Victims
Businesses are required to provide a reasonably safe environment. That includes a place where customers or visitors are protected from criminal activity, like robbery or assault. The following article discusses common security issues and the types of evidence that must be uncovered to bring a successful lawsuit.
Adaptive Equipment Service and Repair: A Guide for Disabled Persons and Caregivers
Many disabled persons rely on complex rehabilitative technology (“CRT”) service companies to properly order, supply, repair, and replace their equipment so they can participate in their community. As disabled persons say, “their wheels are their legs.” Unfortunately, sometimes CRT service is untimely, incomplete, or incorrect. The following information may be helpful if you have an issue with a CRT service company.
Wrongful Death: A Guide for Survivors
If a person is killed by the negligence of another in North Carolina or Florida a wrongful death lawsuit may be brought against the responsible party. The statute of limitations to bring a lawsuit in both states is two years from the date of death. That means that if a lawsuit is not filed by that time, then a wrongful death claim cannot be brought – regardless of the circumstances. The following may be helpful if you are contemplating filing a wrongful death lawsuit in either state.